Sherry L

Which social media platform do you spend the most time on?


Personally, its Instagram for me but the rise of TikTok is here? or is it already here....

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Anna Sazonova
same Instagram ๐Ÿซถ
Sherry L
@patnishubh Out of curiosity what do you do on X?
@shezzy04 if you follow right people, you get tons of insights, know where tech is moving, get job offers. I got more jobs from twitter than Linkedin, got many users and feedback, opportunities etc
Sherry L
@patnishubh ahh finding the right people is hard. How did you go about that? and thats amazing, getting jobs offers through twitter!
@shezzy04 Im into saas, developers, crypto etc so I follow those accounts. Ex - Levelsio - perter levels started the whole nomad saas thing. Whomever he follows you can follow them then for developers - theo (founder uploadthing), lee (vercel), shadcn (shadcnui) etc you can follow them to learn development and whomever they follow For crypto development - t11s, dan robinson, eric wall etc. They are non-hype crypto accounts without BS You can also go through my following list - I think twitter is very underrated
Nico Spijker
Sherry L
@nicolaas_spijker wow interesting! Are you a active participant on many channels?
Nico Spijker
@shezzy04 Yup, currently browsing about 10 subs for an hour a day, has led to some decent traffic as well.
Victoriia Shymanska
Linkedin and Instagram are my favorites. I also love Pinterest
Sherry L
@victoriia_shymanska first person to mention Pinterest! Love it for a good creative inspiration :) do you use it for creative inspiration also?
For me it is IG and Tiktoks
Sherry L
@sylvia_sheng Is IG popular in the Chinese market?
Sherry L
@sylvia_sheng fascinating! Then what is the most popular? and thanks for the insight :)
Kia Kamgar
๐•, LI & Vero
Andre Yang
Me to instagaram
Lisa Steingold
Still love good old Insta!
Jessica Herman
Kabir Haynes
facebook and instagram
Richael Morio
Mostly i used TIK TOK
Yes, I agree with you
Sergei Rednev
Sherry L
@serednev Interesting! What do you do on there? Other than another messenger app, I don't know what else is on there
Bohdan Honyk
Instagram and LinkedIn
Igor Lysenko
I spend most of my time on PH and LinkedIn, but I can spend no more than 20 minutes on other social networks.
For me , IG and Tiktok
Stefan Wirth
Twitter or whatever it's called these days hehe
LinkedIn! I used to be an influencer on IG creating travel-themed content, but I froze my account in 2021 to give a break, and I haven't opened it since then. Such a relief, and I've got the energy for creation instead of consuming lots of irrelevant content. One downside of it - as a growth marketer, this keeps me from learning the latest trends and I sometimes be late for applying it to my clients' strategy.
Sherry L
@bahar_ozkan Totally agree, I'm not fully immersed on tiktok so am struggling to keeping up with trends :(
Indiana Joshi