Which emoji do you find most confusing? (And what does the research say?)
In the world, there should be in overall about ~3,700+ emojis;
Here: https://unicode.org/emoji/charts/emoji-counts.html
The Company Word Tips conducted research and tried to identify the most confusing emojis across countries (cultures).
They compiled a list of 1,644 commonly used emojis and used the Ahrefs Keyword Explorer tool to calculate the average monthly search volume for each [emoji] + “meaning” in every country.
Key Findings:
🥺 (pleading face) is the most searched emoji in 51 countries, including the U.S., making it the world’s most confusing emoji.
😏 (smirking face) is the UK’s most confusing emoji.
🙃 (upside-down face) is the most confusing emoji in Canada and Australia.
💖 (sparkling heart) is the most confusing emoji in Argentina.
Which emoji do you find confusing?
BTW ➡️ If you leave me there your EMAIL, I will send you in a weekly newsletter another study on this point.
