Personally, I prefer Telegram. I can text and read what I want (news, articles, etc) in the same place without any problems and this is amazing! Also, UX/UI is much better than in WhatsApp.
I live in the US, and WhatsApp is certainly more popular here. However, I use Telegram a lot for communication with my startup team and some friends, and, not gonna lie, I really like it. It feels much more versatile, and the UX/UI aspects are excellent!
@michaelshver Yes, exactly, it's more versatile and flexible. It's easy to use and has more options than WhatsApp. Anyway I use also WhatsApp on daily basis))
In my country, more than 90% of the population use WhatsApp, but for me Telegram is 10 times better.
The UI/UX is perfect, I can customize everything I want and most of the tools in Telegram have superpowers compared to WhatsApp
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