Khyati Rathod

What you do to increase your productivity?


Which activity gives you more productivity

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Pankti Shah
Mostly Scheduling tasks based on urgency
Gaurav Parvadiya
Prepare list of to-dos every morning
Joan Mateo Duarte 🚀
Take rest time and change of rooms.
Darwin Binesh
Mostly good prep and reducing distractions. Approaching tasks with the end result first was very helpful. Hiring helped a lot too, but it's a bit of a cop out. What about you?
Upen V
Been handling multiple projects like - , Siteoly .com and and a few more. Here are my pointers that hugely helps overall: 1. Make to-do list for the next day before sleeping 2. Do the hardest task first 3. Time your tasks 4. Avoid Multitasking 5. Celebrate small wins 6. Use mindfulness trigger 7. Practice self-care 8. Use Pomodoro technique
Adithya Narayanan
Running! I find that I'm 2x more productive on weeks where I manage to go for a run in the morning :)
neil jiohu
学校和教育机构也可以采取一些措施来预防和减少未美国作业代写现象的发生。加强学术诚信教育,让学生明白学术诚信的重要性和后果。教师可以设置更具挑战性的作业和评估方式,鼓励学生独立思考和独立解决问题。此外,通过技术手段检测代写作业 也是有效的手段,防止学生使用未授权的代写服务。