Find a corner and cry for a few days, then I'd bounce back as the cravings go away.
I've found chewing gum, apples and dried apricots work like a charm to kick away the coffee cravings.
@singh_ankur So this is my personal views and experience, on my trips around Africa and South America, I visited multiple coffee farms, since I was HUGE coffee fan, I was literally having a mega jug of coffee every morning prior to that experiences. I had talk to multiple farmers and they told me that under the coffee plant nothing can grow again from the acids that coffee plant and coffee beans release, basically the soil stays infertile . Once they dried the coffee beans the acid increase and once the beans are roasted that acid skyrocket to your cup of coffee. None of the local people drink coffee on coffee farms which I have visited. So I decided to stop coffee and it was a 2 months struggle with crazy headaches but I manage to quit and now is 3 years since I don't drink coffee (recently I went to Coorg close to Bangalore, and I had cup of coffee from the local coffee farm, it taste good bro :) but I am not getting back to the coffee life) Cup of fresh orange juice or lemon is much better and healthier in the morning...
Well, if coffee disappeared from the face of the earth, I suppose I'd have to switch to tea... and then spend the rest of my days trying to convince myself that it's just as good. But let's be real, nothing beats that deliciously bitter elixir of life!
I am an absolute coffee person. Without coffee, I would have no energy all day, and even constipation. I really can't live without it.
If it does disappear, I believe people would find way to recreating it even if it would cost a fortune, its economic benefits are too tempting.
I would probably have to switch to tea and pretend to enjoy it. But deep down I would know that nothing can replace the magical powers of caffeine-infused coffee.
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