I am a full-stack developer who has experience working as a freelance developer and has built some good projects that are used by thousands of users. Portfolio: https://www.dheeraj-jha.tech/
@guilherme_moreira86 I can offer a low price, but how can I get to know who is looking for a freelancer. My first client came from my personal portfolio website. But now I am looking for some more freelance work, and I am not getting to know who is looking for freelancers. I shared my work on Twitter and other social media platforms. Will you suggest some platforms that help me connect with people who are looking for freelancers.
@dheeraj_jha1 I guess any freelance platform is already filed with freelance offers. It's a very hard market to enter. I would go by the word of mouth, seeing if your previous client need some more jobs, or if they may recommend you to someone. You need to find a niche that you specialize on. For example, what worked for me was advertising, it's a strong niche. Ad agencies are always in need of freelance developers for campaigns hotsites and such, and it gives you high visibility if you manage to do a gig for some major brand. You would have to have knowledge of Analytics and Data Lake tools, because they always work with reports after a campaign ends. Get in touch with them, by their website or social media, it might be worth a shot.