Leyla Aliyeva

What was the wisest quote someone has ever told you and still remember to this day?


Hey guys! Someone told this quote long ago:- (accept responsibility for your life, know that it's you who will get you where you want to go, no one else) So true:)) what yours?

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John Radford
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% your reaction to it
"You are where you want to be"
Rich Watson
"Go big, or go home" "Go all in, or none at all"
Gurpinder Singh
I remember this quote from my chemistry teacher "Read one book thrice, rather than three books once."
Not the wisest but my fav quote of all time- "For you, a thousand times over"
Jonathan Massabni
just one of them : "A master of everything is a master of none"