Bren Kinfa 💎 SaaS Gems

What's your recipe for a happiness boost on a dull day? 🤗

When the day feels a bit dull, what's your quick fix to lift your spirits and bring a smile to your face? A song? Snack? Funny show? Share away!

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Hiking Horizon
When I'm feeling stuck in a rut, I find getting outside for a brisk hike always lifts my spirits. The team at HikingHorizon offers route ideas that help you take in some beautiful scenery. Combining the outdoors, movement, and nature works every time to boost my mood!
My cat. His name is Portgas D. Grayson and he makes every single day brighter for me :)
Daxeel Soni
I do any of these, - Play pool match - Watch Mr. Bean - Spend time with family Whats yours?
Bren Kinfa 💎 SaaS Gems
@daxeelsoni Mr. Bean is awesome, haha! I like listening to upbeat music or going out for a quick walk 👍
Shajedul Karim
my go-to happiness boost is a walk outside. something about fresh air and a change of scenery just works. or blasting a favorite upbeat song, always lifts the mood. sometimes, it's watching a short, funny video or show. what about you guys? what's your secret recipe for turning a dull day around? songs, snacks, shows, or something totally different? let's share some mood-lifters!
Bren Kinfa 💎 SaaS Gems
@shajedulkarim_ I'm right there with you 👍 Upbeat songs, quick and short funny videos, and going out for a walk!
Jaspar Carmichael-Jack
Help others: Helping others is a great way to boost your own happiness. Volunteer your time, donate to a cause you care about, or simply do something nice for someone else. Witnessing the positive impact of your actions can be incredibly rewarding.
haojun cai
I enjoy doing some exercise or chatting with friends. Recently, I've also discovered the fun in exploring GPTs.
HIIT workouts, and dancing like no one is watching :)
Pearse Fitzpatrick
- Watch a high quality movie (IMDB 7.0 or higher) - Do some hard DIY/gardening task that makes you remember it is nice to be working inside on a computer. - podcast on non a random topic from good quality source - if you need a quick fix look at your memories (videos) on google photos and remember time flys. good and bad times both pass
Bren Kinfa 💎 SaaS Gems
@productprogress I've started lowering my IMDB rating criteria to 6.5 and above now 😄 Definitely a good one about the DIY/gardening - always great to do something offline and hands-on. 👍
Yemi Oyepeju
Good to see no one is talking about resorting to scrolling bottomless social media feed of reels/shorts as that can be mind-numbing.
Bren Kinfa 💎 SaaS Gems
@uxyemi Totally agreed! Gotta be careful about this one - dozens of super smart minds out there engineering how to get you to scroll endlessly into oblivion. 😅
Yemi Oyepeju
@brenkinfa No ounce of lie there lol. The billionaires and super smart minds are all scrambling for our attention.
Manouk Draisma
Help someone!
Currently, it's One Piece or playing a round of Overwatch. Although, I have recently used this recent product launched here to break the day:
Bren Kinfa 💎 SaaS Gems
@tgsketch Can't say I've played Overwatch, but I've definitely enjoyed One Piece (Netflix live action) for sure 👍 P.S. Pomotimer is sweet!
Imran Razak
Small accomplishments. It could be just getting up and brushing your teeth. Getting out your pjs.
Alex Shilin
Be grateful for xyz? and name few things in place of xyz. Works in most cases. Switch on the light. Have a cup of coffee. Do the first thing on your to do list.
Jake Strack | miingl
Commenting to listen
Shambhavi Mahajan
my recipe for a happiness boost involves a combination of small actions that can make a big difference. I believe in the power of gratitude. Taking a moment to reflect on the things we are grateful for can shift our perspective and bring joy. Additionally, engaging in activities that bring us pleasure, such as listening to uplifting music or going to the gym!
Sherry L
My drama obsession (so lots of content watching haha) but also a nice chat with a loved one :)
Ankita S.
Grab a good strong Coffee :)
Music and going out for a coffee with friends.
Kirill Grebenjukov
If I can surf, I surf, otherwise I annoy someone by talks)