Richard Gao

What's your favourite thing to do on Friday?


For me, it's still the same thing working on my project. But it certainly feels more invigorating knowing the weekend is coming up. How about you?

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Zendog Labs
Telling everyone Happy Friday - but grinding yourself to death
Anoir Houmou
Work 😅
Chetan Natesh
I send outreach emails through the week, sometimes I send a reminder on Fridays with a Happy Friday to anyone who has not responded 🙂
Victor Giurgiu
I usually spend time with my little brother, since I usually am pretty busy throughout the week, so I love to do that. Maybe watch some movies, or play some video games
Gaurav Parvadiya
Binge watching
Richard Gao
@graham_patel What's your fav show to binge watch?
Pragruthaa Rabichandran
I journal the activities that I've accomplished this week and would plan for the next week
Catch up on newsletters using newslitty
Chaimae Sakhi
Chill at home with some red wine and food watching Netflix, it's rewarding after a long work week :D
Pankti Shah
Look back on how weekdays were spent and what mistakes and achievements I have done on weekdays. And enjoy Friday night with Netflix