Hashir Ahmed

What's your favorite way to spend a lazy Sunday?


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Aviv Icel
I'll answer for my Saturday since we work Sunday to Thursday ;) It's either 8 or so hours of gaming (PC/PS5/Switch, whatever game I'm hooked to at the time) or the same time watching a series I'm really into. Right now I'm watching Critical Role Campaign 2 for the past month, it devoured my entire leisure time.
Olga Agush
A trip to the spa for a lazy Sunday and cheerfulness for the whole work week
Charlie Charles
Video games.
Hugo DEVEZE 🏴‍☠️
Netflix, board games, sleeping, cooking
Hashir Ahmed
@devezehugo Great, which season are you watching now a days?
Hugo DEVEZE 🏴‍☠️
@hashir_ahmed1 I stopped séries because I’m addict in a second and I have to binge watch every time I start a série hahaha What about you ?
Doğukan Tezcan
just chilling and watching youtube videos
Mohammad Elzahaby
i lie in the bed and code a little bit her and there
I favor my bed.
Mahad Kamran
Catching up on sleep
Tanzirul Huda
I love spending a lazy Sunday curled up with a good book or binge-watching a new TV show. Sometimes I also like to take a walk in the park or cook a big breakfast. What about you?