Gianluca Cinellu

What’s your favorite Social Network?

Mine is Twitter, hands down.

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ALberto Doriguzzi Bozzo
Twitter is always in my top 3 even if there's a lot of hate (that I try to avoid) :( Since I'm trying to reach comic artists and illustrators for my app ComicsFlow, I've found FB very good for that. Many of my favorite artists are there and you can "easily" interact with them plus there are groups which can be very good for sharing stuff and talk about what you like. Last is Tumblr - I like it only because there a lot of inspiring pics :D Instagram is so-so and very cold for me. Just curious: no one on Bluesky?
Mine's Twitter (obviously) and TikTok
Gianluca Cinellu
@saniyyah do you also find TikTok useful for business?
@saniyyah @misterocean Tiktok is perfect to attract attention since you can get viral easily, for my first client I created a TikTok account one video went viral so in 2 days we reached 500 000 views and 4 000 followers. now we see the one who are interested go to follow her also on insta !
Gianluca Cinellu
@saniyyah @ipaparazzo_app oh wow that's great, how much did you spend to produce the video, if I'm not asking too much?
@saniyyah @misterocean we spent no money my client was just sharing very interesting knowledge, good quality content always works. its important to think about what you will bring to these people because in the end its them that decide if they will share or not :) Give your target what she is looking for(knowledge, infos, solution...). that's what I can say from my experience as community manager
Gianluca Cinellu
@saniyyah @ipaparazzo_app interesting, yes I believe a common mistake I'm also guilty of, is creating content trying to please the algorithm first. Food for thought, thanks!
Can Product Hunt be my favourite social media ? ahaha I love the community here
I rarely use social media. Mainly LinkedIn and this community
Jonathan Tahiry
Facebook. Quite old but a powerful tool to reach to the right audience. TikTok also is great, especially for short value content, their algo is great! On Twitter (X), it’s nothing but business, and the growth is slow.
Gianluca Cinellu
@jonathantahiry Interesting, was considering using YouTube to promote my product but many of you are making me consider TikTok more and more
Jonathan Tahiry
@misterocean The algo is insane, you can get viral quite easily and it’s the go-to platform for many people looking for short and value content.
Gianluca Cinellu
@jonathantahiry you guys are convincing me to give it a go, I will! Would you recommend any specific platform for editing the content?
Constantine Stan.
The pub on the corner of the street. 😅
Jamie L
I'm a big fan of Reddit for its diverse communities and the depth of conversation, Gianluca. What makes Twitter your top choice?
Gianluca Cinellu
@jamin_nanthan the fact I can follow expert developers and learn from their mistakes, what about you with Reddit Jamie?
Ilya Spike
@jamin_nanthan Reddit sure is diverse, I can be in love with half those subs and hate the other half haha! 100% right on depth and advice you can get sometimes is weirdly priceless
Gianluca Cinellu
@vakisr what is X? You mean Twitter? 😆
Ghost Kitty
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obviously x/Twitter
@notionxyz1 for work or personal life?
Jos Bish
Mine is Facebook and Instagram
Jofra G
Reddit, TikTok and Twitter.
Jonathan Monroe
LinkedIn: Geared towards professional networking and career development. And Snapchat: Popular for its disappearing photo and video messages.
Vidya Narayanan
Twitter. I like how it provides a delicate balance between networking and being able to express our thoughts.
Ahmed Mobin
Twitter and Reddit(do you count it as social media?)
Gianluca Cinellu
@ahmed_mobin sure I would, do you have any tips to crack reddit for business? I must be doing something wrong with it
Twitter (count Discord as well if you consider it as a social network)
Gianluca Cinellu
@zignis I never considered a social network, how do you browse topics?
Avital Trifsik
Used to be Instagram, but now its definitely TikTok
I'm with you on Twitter for its real-time updates and brevity, Gianluca. It's where I go for the pulse of the world in 280 characters or less!