Jan Forsthuber

What's your favorite office gadget?


Is it a standing desk, chair, ergonomic accessory, wireless charger, laptop stand, fidget spinner (haha)...?

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Velu Loganathan
My MacBook Pro
Cica-Laure Mbappé
My screen cleaner ( I hate to see traces on my laptop 😅)
Jan Forsthuber
@cica_laure_mbappe Feel you, which one do you use?
Natalie Karakina
Air-conditioner 🌚
Jan Forsthuber
@nataliekarakina I assume it's hot outside? :D
My Chair
Jan Forsthuber
@new_user_241f15afc1 Which one do you use? I have an Ikea Markus, best price/performance chair in my opinion :)
Kate Jonas
the coffee machine
Manish Rawat
My smart pen
Aleh Barysevich
It's probably not a gadget, but still a very cool thing to add to your office gear - a calendar with funny and inspirational quotes, memes and tips 😀 Also a whiteboard that stands in the dining area and is used for writing jokes and cartoons 👌
Jan Forsthuber
@inessa_bokhan We all need to cheer up sometimes 😀 feel free to share a cool meme haha I'd appreciate it
Asta So
My sit-stand desk. It also doubles as my sewing desk (my home office is also my sewing room), and I have different presets for when I'm sitting at my computer, standing at my computer, and sitting at my sewing machine 🤓
Jan Forsthuber
@asta_so That's probably one of the best investments for better ergonomics! Which one are you using?
Md Akash Mahmud
my pc
Patricia Darcy
Coffee machine
laxman Upadhyaya
My laptop and also my desk
Jan Forsthuber
@upadhyaya Who could work without a laptop? :D
Sofia Lens
Anything that can make your work more comfortable and easier. I love apps for study or work, they make life easier. I also really appreciate the opportunity to seek professional help. and this service has become very valuable to me: https://resumeedge.com/social-pr... with which I can quickly create a professional profile that many employers love. Thanks to this, in the future, I was able to quickly find a new job.
Long Pham
The big computer monitor
Jan Forsthuber
@long_pham5 Ultrawide screen?
Kf Mimu
My mouse and laptop
Fernando Pessagno
Noise cancelling headphones.
Jan Forsthuber
@fer_momento What do you listen to when you work?
My PC & Desk
Amatuallah Sumaiya
My laptop and also my phone
Mrinal Patra
Under-desk cycle!
Jan Forsthuber
@mrinal_patra Say whaat, awesome haha :D how much kilometers do you make in a day?
Siddhesh Lokare
This may sound too rad but we have a Vending machine! Do we have the winner or what? Haha :P
Jan Forsthuber
@siddhesh_lokare1 Is the stuff in it for free? If yes, then you win :P
Julie Campbell
Having a multi-point electrical output is so essential for a desk. You can power your laptop, additional screens, charge mobile phones, and more options as per convenience.