I know there's a standard list of fears a founder could have, check the comments, but maybe they have some nuances, or you have something new to bring to the table.
@geetanjalishrivastava Thank you. Not sure if I got this. Did you reach the right audience but they don't buy? Because in this case it's a messaging and/or closing issue. Or you're not reaching the right audience?
@cristinaimre It's my fear currently - we haven't fully launched yet. Our focus right now is on getting early feedback, and ensuring that our messaging hits the right spot!
@geetanjalishrivastava Ah, OK. thanks for clarifying. Then the messaging needs to be right. Focus on your copywriting and storytelling with customers in mind. Make them want to act. Wishing you an amazing launch!!!
Am I good enough?
What if I fail?
Am I fast enough?
What if weโre not fast enough with innovation?
Is this the wrong market?
Will I reach market fit?
What if my idea is not as good as I think?
What if I run out of money?
Do customers love our product?
What if this is a bad decision?
Am I a disappointment to investors?
What if I get sick (mentally, physically)?
What if I lose my grit and passion?
What if I wonโt have a life anymore?
@richw This is a tough one. It links to "proving myself that I am worthy" until you realize it's part of the journey and your role is to keep the vision alive doing everything you planned the best way you can. Others will acknowledge your effort and that you care.
My biggest fear as a founder is whether the problem I am trying to solve with my product is actually the user centric and benefitting the users as per their real need or requirement.
@bhav_singh I get you. It's a tough one and you'll only know once they are using it and have honest conversations with you. Or you can also check their activities if you have a big enough group.
@rehan_choudhry1 Thank you for your insights. The first point is a mindset issue. The second seems more on spot for what you have to do. That will determine the first one.
Adaptiv Me
Adaptiv Me
NVSTly: Social Investing