Mani Gopal

What’s the most innovative product or feature you’ve used this year?


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Olivia Jane Miller
I've been using Tailwind CSS a lot this year for web design. It's an innovative utility-first CSS framework that makes it super fast to build custom designs without writing a ton of custom CSS. The built-in responsive classes, dark mode support, and composable utilities have been game changers for my productivity. Highly recommend checking it out if you do any web dev!
There are many actually: SEOquake, Awesome Screenshot, Google Meet, and of course our very own, SEOwallet.
Harold Gary
I recently get started to use Jitter to quickly create animated videos. It is simple to use, especially if you are familiar with tools like Figma, or Adobe XD. Also, the productivity tool for macOS iBoysoft MagicMenu also helped me save plenty of work time. It proves to be a flexible and reliable right-click enhancer tool, most importantly, creating extensions for right-click actions is a smarter move compared to what other apps do. Now I only need a simple right click to create a new file, move/copy/ quickly access files, copy file path, find and remove duplicated files, archive files, uninstall applications etc.