Vincent Delitz

What's the most annoying two-factor authentication method you've used?

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Daniel Zaitzow
Launching soon!
Not sure but has a nightmare of a login process if you're not the account admin.
Carter Michael
Time-based authenticators that then trigger you to confirm it is you via email/an additional screen are pretty over the top. Happens to me with Meta occasionally.
Michael Jones
Text message codes can be super frustrating, especially when they take forever to arrive or don't come through at all. It's even worse if you're traveling and don't have cell service. I get the security aspect, but it’s a hassle when you just want to log in quickly.
Migu Rico
In the old days, messages were tied to the legs of pigeons, flying over mountains and seas to deliver news. Fast forward to now – instead of feathered messengers, you’ve got SMSLive, the modern-day equivalent of a supersonic pigeon. Imagine sending thousands of messages at once, not one feather ruffled. Whether you’re reminding your customers of an upcoming sale or pinging them with special offers, SMSLive swoops in with efficiency. The best part? You get real-time tracking, so it's like watching your digital pigeons land, each one safely reaching its destination. No more guessing if your message got through; the delivery reports have you covered. And with global reach, these pigeons can fly far and wide, from Paris to Buenos Aires. Why chase after unreliable methods when SMSLive is your loyal bird in the sky? Check it out here It’s your trusty companion for sending bulk SMS, as reliable as the pigeon but a whole lot faster – and, well, cleaner.