The best course I've taken in recent memory, maybe even all-time, was the Network Effect Masterclass from It is free and I'd recommend it to anyone, especially Product and Marketing professionals!
Thanks for this topic @basv - I look forward to going through and grabbing some new courses from this discussion thread!
The Council of Europe HELP online course on Business and Human Rights offered a/ thorough education on the matter, providing me with insights and solutions to the issues. I unreservedly recommend this course to anyone seeking a detailed look into the human rights aspects of economic activities. Tap the link for more information @basv ➡️ https://help.elearning.ext.coe.i...
I took a mid-career break to take a 3-month course lingerie design. Learning how to observe and draw the world an adult was both fun and opened my mind to a whole world of creative endeavours which I had previously assumed I "wasn't cut out for."
The courses on Coursera are not only excellent for beginners but also for experts seeking to refresh and concentrate on the fundamentals.
I have heard about many great courses, from Business Process Management and Notation to creative courses like Adobe Illustrator. However, I've learned that nothing can compare to the hands-on experience gained from practical work. While courses can certainly provide valuable knowledge and skills, there's no substitute for the real-world challenges and problem-solving that come with working in a particular field or industry. So for me, the best "course" has been: experience.
I remember a few years ago I had taken a great course on Udemy teaching about the creation of a social networking web platform thought by Reece Kenney. I really found that course very helpful in my web development career.
In fact, that course was the turning point for me in being able to develop