Carter Michael

What's an example of giving yourself permission to suck?

The best example I can think of is any Creator who's built a successful platform. Go back far enough and they're almost always a trove of low-quality content that over time, improves. Give yourself permission to suck. You'll learn so much faster from your mistakes than you will from trying to be perfect.

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Daniel Do
I love that :))
Peyt Spencer Dewar
One example is releasing a song to the public for the first time Another is learning your spouse’s native language
Carter Michael
@psd K, these are two SOLID examples. Also, I'm not married, but some of the pureest and most joyful experiences are trying to learn languages with native experiences and doing so in a judgement-free environment.
Couldn’t agree with you more! In my opinion, the concept of MVPs is a perfect example of giving ourselves permission to “suck” (I mean that in the nicest way possible). By launching a product with just the essential features, we accept it won’t be perfect, and that’s okay.
Carter Michael
@timo_luick Oh, big fan of MVPs. IT takes a monumental level of stress off of yourself. I always buy a domain for MVPs but if I didn't it'd be an almost completely free way to test (for myself). What're you working on Timo?
Aneesh Gupta
Just putting yourself out there and allowing your curiosity to shine. It doesn't need to be perfect. As you rightly said, the initial bit of content is usually sub-par but it sets you up to get in groove of being out there early on.
Carter Michael
@_aneeshgupta_ You can always improve later. Probably won't realize what you need to improve anyways until you make a couple mistakes.
Ghost Kitty
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When you're trying something new that's hard.