Minimize the number of sunk costs you can't let go of. Being willing to change your mind or shift effort can be much more valuable than seeing something through just because you started down that path.
Buy bitcoin, kidding, but yeah, try to learn more about those new things in technology that's hard to understand but still trending, because if something requires effort but is still loved by people, then it would become easier once enough people get involved, and if you become the part of those initial people who help the tech get better then you are not just helping solve that problem, you are also learning hard stuff solving along the way!
Don't close your mind to anything, even if it's something that seems outlandishly and completely out of your realm. Learn as much as you can, explore, and believe you can achieve anything..and everything!
From the top of my mind:
- Always know why you are doing something (ideally, write it down)
- Don't be afraid or shy to ask for more
- Try new things, yeah it's scary, try it anyway
- When working in an innovative sector consider pivot to help others working there (infrastructure for the new sector)
- If you need to work very hard to convince people your product is good usually something needs to change in your offer
Adaptiv Me