
What's a phrase that could instantly uplift your day ?


I mean the equivalent of 'school's closed today', or 'you are ProductHunt's #1 Product Of The Day' 😀

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takashi yamamoto
"Habit is the second nature"
Mariam Yusuf
A simple Hi and how are you doing.
Jaga Deep
@mariamyusuf_ Hi!! How are you doing?
Shiva Prabhakaran
I just launched my product today, so "you are ProductHunt's #1 Product Of The Day" is perfect. Haha.
Nate Travis
"Here is your coffee"
Samuli Pehkonen
"Did you notice that Flowrite is on TechCrunch?" 😄
Alex Goff
Success is the sum of small efforts
Justin Ahn
In-door dining is allowed again 😜
Aman Sanduja
Your portfolio is X% up today
Bosky Mukherjee
"thank you"
Zoya Matin
"I see how much effort you've put into this, good job!"
I've launched a tiny todo app called 'Notmoji' Product Hunt today, so 'Wow, I like it' or similar comments may instantly uplift me!
Jaskiran Kaur
I think any motivation quote or praise uplifts my day and I feel good while working.
Jing Hu
No mask on tube
you're going to die one day, why are you worrying about "xyz". Just begin..
Audrey Rampon
'I brought chocolate, help yourself' 🍫 🙄 .... or am I not answering the question properly?
Arthur Harris
Stas Voronov
"You're invited to YC" :)
Eivind Håverstad
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