It is similar to the choice of character characteristics in an RPG game.
So let's see...
Charisma +1
Luck +1
Self-confidence +1
Hmm, not enough points...
It looks like you have to sacrifice something:
Free time -1
Travel -1
New hobbies -1
:) This is not a very simple question, given the limited skill points in real life and the difficulty of adjusting them.
I will do less work myself, hire more freelancers to outsource work, and will focus on strategic consulting, because this is what helped more than 6 startups triple their revenue in the past year with me. I will focus on things with lower input and higher output.
Time Management. I am looking forward to planning my time management strategy and make it stronger each day. Beginning my days right. Thoroughly chalking out what I am going to do that day. Also, I will keep in mind my larger goals and select activities accordingly.
Well, I think we should review this weekly, or by a daily basis, not per new year :D
However, what I'm doing in the remaining days of 2021 is focusing on good habits.
Humans are made of habits.
You have a good habit you become richer, you have a poor habit you become poorer.
I'm focusing on:
- Sleep
- Building a SaaS
- Food
- Exercise
The main focus right now is sleep. I'm making sure I prioritise it, give myself enough time to "chill" before bed so I don't end up coding till 5am. I watch a podcast and then some Ridddle (two videos max) on YT as my goodnight fairy tale.
I want to optimize the work, get into a deep work state so in 6hours of work it'll be worth twice as much.
Having good habits, Sleep, eating, and exercise - essentially health.
You got that you can do anything you want.
Something I've been working on but always falling off track for different reasons, mainly because I was too weak to say "no" or getting pushed by say a client and stayed late even though we could have done it in the morning.
Too much to write :D
Sembly AI