What is your Tech Stack


It is a discussion to see which technologies we are using in our products. I am a technical guy so really want to see the comments and talk about that with other makers. 🤘

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Mohammad Abdin
Angular/Firebase/GCP - I've been meaning to explore other technologies like Nextjs and Supabase but it feels like it's not worth the investment for a solo founder, just prefer to work with what I'm comfortable with.
@mohammad_abdin1 I think keeping going with your master tech stack is the best choice. If the product retention will be great, you can consider your needs again but you are in a good way I think :)
I am a simple man, I read this question multiple times a week, I answer and I upvote : VILT stack.
Jaspar Carmichael-Jack
1. Hardware: 2. Software: 3. Development Tools: 4. Data Infrastructure: 5. Security and Privacy:
Mertcan Esmergül
I'm a designer so my tech stack is mostly around figma, framer, rive and spline! :)
@sitenley how do you use framer for your designs ? Is there a way to prototype your animation in framer?
Nicolò Marchesi
Angular/Typescript/Electron, but I'm experimenting with Rust/Tauri :)
@pethron do you feel nervous? :) I think it is hard to change your direction especially when you have experience with a specific stack. what do you think?
zuhaib ashfaq
I made a post regarding underrated tools stack. The tools that need more attention than they currently have. See it here: https://www.producthunt.com/disc...
still studying tech skills for become a founder, maybe you guys can recommend something for learning
Yogita Gholap
what should be the tech stack for marketers, and consultants? I used to be an SSRS developer, it's been a long journey from SQL, java, python, R, and salesforce to google analytics, digital marketing, business consultant
Liam Willsom
My tech stack includes [List of technologies, programming languages react, nextjs, its frameworks, etc. that you use for your projects
Jean Sauvenel Beaudry
JS-TS / Nodejs / NextJs / MongoDB-Posgresql / Supabase-Strapi
Md Shariful Islam
DJango, PostGreSQL and React are the main. Using lot of other technologies from clouds: AWS, Azure, Google
Velusamy Subramaniam
Angular /.NET Core / PostgreSQL/ GCP - Web Flutter - Mobile
Ronan Hardy
Hardware, Development Tools, Data Infrastructure, Security and Privacy.
Tatiana Vdovychenko
The tech stack varies significantly based on the project's requirements. Operating with a fixed set is challenging, even if dealing with products instead of projects. Below, we've compiled the most commonly used technical stacks, both by us at JetSoftPro, a software development service, and by our clients: https://jetsoftpro.com/blog/how-...
Prashant Lakhlani
We are using Vue.js front end and .NET Core backend with PostgreSQL database for Secure Share