Here are a few examples of our LeaksID short-term business goals:
-Increase traffic on our website in 2 times
-Change our tariff plans and offer new functionalities for users
-Increase social media posting to three times a week
-Find first 2-3 partners for collaboration
What about your goals? 🚀🚀
@julia_demyanchuk Good questions, Julia!
Here are a few of our short-term business goals:
-Finish our MVP and launch it
-Get the first 50 initial users
-Do customer interviews with 20+ initial users
–Get feedback from users and extract data for the next iteration
-Raise first angel/seed round
Here are my top 4 short term goals for this month:
- For now, reach POTD #1 on PH as we are launching on 8th Sept.
You can subscribe here, btw :D (
- Make a few UI/UX changes on the app.
- Conduct 10+ online events for the community.
- Get feedback from the PH community and replicate.
I'm concerned about building a community that knows about the product so that they can be as excited as me when I will launch. I'm a complete newbie in community building, so after reading some docs about it, I'm learning by trying
Currently I'm setting goals quarterly, so in terms of short term (this quarter ending Sept):
- 2 new clients for We Are Heroes
- 50 newsletter subscribers
- 100 Medium followers
- Launch 2 products on Product Hunt
Keep on working at it everyone!