Martina Hackbartt

What is your preferred OS? Why?

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Linux. Since the OP to the OQ has added “and Why?” to the OQ, here’s a brief why for me: Linux is simple, fast, uses fewer resources, and works. I have had Windows crash many times, yes even Win10. I have twice had to rebuild a laptop from scratch because a Windows update trashed itself and made the laptop unable to boot. That has NEVER happened under Linux and I have been using Linux since v0.7. Today my laptop runs Linux and I have a VM with Win10 installed that I can start up when I need to run some software that doesn’t support Linux and won’t run under Wine. Before I switched this 16GB laptop from Win10 to Linux - Windows struggled to run within the memory I have. Today Linux only struggles when the 8GB Windows VM is hogging resources. Otherwise it screams, even running a full featured RDBMS on it (which I never could get to stay online under Windows BTW). MyAllSaversConnect
G. M. Mehdi
Once you go Mac!
Usman Ul Haq
Sandra Djajic
I grew up using Windows but changed to Mac when I was about 17. It took me some time to get used to it but now there's no going back!
Martina Hackbartt
@inesfenner I changed to Mac around 2 months ago after like 15 years of Windows😂 , still getting used to!
Sandra Djajic
@martina_hackbartt Haha! I won't lie, there's still some stuff I have to Google when it comes to Mac! It's definitely a (potentially life-long) learning process. :D
András Juhász
A Macbook Air M1 with Windows 11 would be the best combination of quality hardware and a productivity-focused OS.
Farhan Aslam
Windows, as it is easy to use and the most popular system.
Linux, why are you still guys using Windows or Mac? They are so poor-performing in comparison to Linux, it is almost pitiful.