Antoni Kozelski

What is your peak period of productive work?


My magical peak work performance moments are between 8 am to 1 pm, turning me into a fully functioning human dynamoโ˜•๐Ÿฆ„๐Ÿš€

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When I'm not sober. Probably.
Ghost Kitty
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Iren from FirstHR
4 pm to 10 pm.
Marilena Nikou
kind of similar to you, 9-1!
Jay Song
10 to 3
Manveer Sandhu
I think around 11pm to 1am ๐ŸŒ—
around 5pm to 7pm
Etiene Dalcol
11am-3pm (the prime time of my ADHD meds)
When the world sleep, between 10pm and 2am. Waking up at 8am is kind of a challenge
George Kalandadze
My golden hours are 7 am - 1 pm, 11 pm - 1 am. That middle part of the day should be for power naps, am I right?
Nick from FirstHR
In the evening.
Oleg from FirstHR
After 6 pm.
Alex Petruchio
Early morning.
Zuhal Yฤฑlmaz
10am-3pm :)
Katherine Manweiler
Typically early in the morning (7am - 9am) or late at night (10pm - 2am). Gregory B Sadler's ( lectures on neuroplasticity helped me understand how to segment activities by time of day / energy level and why we actually do have bursts of creative energy towards the end of the night when we're preparing for bed.
Prashasti Pankaj
My peak period of productive work is after a 20min nap in the afternoon. Between 2:30 - 4:30
7 am - 10 am
Michael Fine
9pm-1am once my two girls are asleep!
Bobby Fisher
I concentrate better between 4am and 7am, but I often burn the candle at both ends, working from 8pm to 11pm. Not always effective as I'm often battling to stay awake! ๐Ÿ˜