I think having these 5 things make me super productive
1. Have a mindmapping tool open for when ideas randomly pop into my head
2. Using trello to manage everything
3. Using Signal to talk to everyone i need to
4. Taking 5 mins out every hour to think about something random
5. Listen to music to zone in for repetitive/complicated tasks
@vin_creatorstock i also recommend you to try our new product usebeforesunset, which we are working on, you will be able to use the product in about a month, and I am curious about your opinions as someone who uses Trello.
My most productive way of working is by setting clear goals, prioritizing tasks, and maintaining a focused work environment. I also make sure to take short breaks to recharge and stay motivated!
@arpan_011 I think this is great! It's best when you get things out of your head, even if it's on a regular piece of paper! I think that being able to see what you have for the day helps to prioritize
First of all, i need to change environments: Whenever i get a stuck working from the same spot i notice I get bored easily and start procrastinating.
Now, with this new AI wave we're on, I believe making use of these can be a game changer. Make our lives easier and let us focus on creativity, strategy, etc instead of logistics and back-to-back processes.
@catalina_sabogal_ortiz whenever I face a bottleneck that involves too much work, I first consult AI. Perfect solution to a simple problem, ChatGPT it and move on.
@deniz_sutas Couldn't- agree more! I believe tech is a way to complement our work flow and ultimately help us with our wellbeing: In my case, when I get overwhelmed by work, my anxiety spikes up. Tools like AirCal or any other AI-powered tool help me dimension the real amount of work I have and helps me get organized
1. Creating a schedule: Plan out your day and prioritize your tasks. Set specific goals for each day and try to accomplish them.
2. Taking breaks: Taking regular breaks can help you stay focused and refreshed. Take a short walk, stretch your legs, or simply step away from your work for a few minutes.
3. Using tools and technology: There are many productivity tools available, such as time-tracking apps, project management software, and task-list apps. Find the ones that work for you and use them to your advantage.
I have a lot of things I do, but two of them are the most important:
1 - Ruthless prioritization. First things first!
2 - Take breaks. Non stop desk sitting will work for a time, but it will kill your productivity and creativity, so make time to clear your head.
I have been working on multiple products like https://microsaashq.com , Siteoly, Flezr, ZeroToFounder.
Here are my quick pointers.
1. Plan the next day before you close the current day
2. Pick High ROI tasks first (Need not be high intensive tasks but high ROI)
3. Pomodoro technique works.
4. Use Paper/Pen for notes as much as you can.
In general, I find that breaking down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable ones helps me stay focused and motivated. I also prioritize my tasks and work on the most important ones first.
1. Understand your goals.
2. Write down the tasks that will lead you to your goals.
3. Use pomodoro or other technique/platform to keep your tasks and working hours balanced.
4. Report on the task progress - either to yourself or to the manager. For the last one I go with our in-house developed Timesheet [https://bit.ly/3PoMIvp]. At the end of the day, week or month, it's really cool to see how much work has been done.
5. Evaluate how close you got to your goals and adjust an action plan if needed.
I love working when I'm hyper focused, that usually happens at night. I chill until the right moment and then get to it with a little support from coffee!
Lately I had more customer-facing responsibilities, which unfortunately can't wait both for the night and my hyper focused moments.
My most productive way of working involves receiving clear and specific instructions, having access to relevant information, and being able to generate responses efficiently without unnecessary distractions.
I do almost the same, except I work for an hour starught, then take a 15 minute break in between. I leave my laptop during my break so that my mind will really be able to relax after a while. it;s interesting.
BeforeSunset AI
BeforeSunset AI
Zero To Founder
Grid it™
Timesheet by Technuf
Flex-Worthy Templates
BeforeSunset AI