Cristina Imre

What is your main goal for 2022?


It's perfect timing to prepare for the new year some weeks ahead. You have more clarity and this can give you an edge while most wait till the last minute without executing. Feel free to share your biggest dream/desire/goal for 2022. One year from now, what will your life look like? Do you know? If not, take a pen and paper and start shaping it.

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Personally, I'm waiting to see how Omicron turns out before I start planning one year from now...
Cristina Imre
@dara_burke1 How about changing the approach and plan without being lead by an external force? Like what you can create no matter the circumstances? Things can linger for awhile but our lives cannot. Put yourself first. Best wishes!
@cristinaimre yeah. It's like lennon said, 'life is what happens when you're making other plans' The problem is that global pandemics have a habit of derailing even the most well-meaning of plans. #getvaccinated
Cristina Imre
@dara_burke1 True and still we need those goals ahead, otherwise nothing happens as we wished for . The brain follows directions. Without a direction, we are following other people's plans.
Lior Galante Cohen (Vaza)
One goal I already have in mind is working out at least twice a week :)
@lior_galante_cohen the best argument for including workouts in your routine is the boost in executive function. I used to work all day, never having time to workout. Ended badly. Now I workout most days. Make time for your workout.
Cristina Imre
@lior_galante_cohen That's a good goal to have. As with any habit, it needs the initial inception period until becomes part of your normal way of being.
Lior Galante Cohen (Vaza)
@cristinaimre Definitely! I think I read somewhere that you have to do something at least 21 times in a row in order for it to stick and become a real habit.
Cristina Imre
@lior_galante_cohen Yes. 21-30 days each day to instill the new habit. It works every time. But what I noticed in practice is that brining the right type of energy (addiction) needed to sustain the new habit you could exceed the one month period and it depends on the type of the new habit.
Jens Nilsson
I'm going for being "Ramen profitable" sometime during 2022 from bootstrapped side-hustles. Already proved it to myself I can reach that goal by launching an app that actually puts money in my bank account on a regular basis.
Jens Nilsson
@cristinaimre What's you main goal Cristina?
Cristina Imre
@jensnilsson My main goal is business related since we are a startup. Raising $x and reaching $y amount in revenue from 50 new B2B satisfied customers.