Nikolas Dimitroulakis

What is your alternative career?

what if tomorrow, for some magical reason, your role, your field of work and your industry, all disappeared. Assuming you are not a millionaire by that time, so you still need to work, what would you do? What is your alternative career? Have you thought about it? What skills are you building and/or nurturing that could come in handy and that could get you hired in a new field?

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Maria Hayat
In a parallel world, I think I could be a baker- or if I'm lucky, a pastry chef!
Izabela Tomica
I would migrate to somewhere nice in Asia and catch some job with 0 expectations. Like harvesting the bananas, guiding the tourists or whatever will show up.
Nikolas Dimitroulakis
@tomitomcat thats sounds awesome. Do you have any proven skills in guiding tourists? is it something you already kind of nurture at small scale? (as in, do you enjoy being a tour guide for your friends in a city?)
Izabela Tomica
@nikolas_dimitroulakis I have masters degree in tourism so you could say so. ;) I've worked as a guide years ago and I organize trips for small groups, honeymoons etc in my free time for my friends ;) Apart from that I have some graphic design skills, worked as a photographer, organized events and trade fairs, even had my own company with handmade scented candles. I think that diversification of your skills is important ;)
Izabela Tomica
@lisa_l97 do you have any specific country in mind?
Izabela Tomica
@lisa_l97 it depends on what your expectations are. Personally I love Portugal, Spain is ok too - but food is a no from me and whole country is more pricey. France - depends where. Poland is ok in the summertime, not so much during autumn and winter (short days, depressing views outside the window). And inflation is slowly killing us. Croatia, Albania - great but during the season. Italy - awesome people, awesome food, depends which region. :D
Josh Frederick
I want to be a tour guide as I love to meet new people with different cultural background really excites me.
Nikolas Dimitroulakis
@josh_frederick1 sounds nice. Do you think you would be good at it? is it something you have mastered or you want to master?
Charlie Charles
I might choose to be a racer.
Shon Paunan
If my dreams can come true, I'd like to become a forensic analyst or psychologist