@oginokairan Yesss I strong team means everything. Whether it's for increasing the weight of a launch product or making a product to address a user need.
Hey everyone, I see most of you picked Marketing. It for sure is difficult, here is one resource I use a lot whenever I'm in doubt about some part of marketing.
It's specifically made for engineers and for me personally it was so much easier to read because it was made by an engineer who speaks and thinks more like me, and it's unlike blogs written by marketing experts.
There is even a section about Product Hunt so that could be very useful for you.
@esus the not necessarily the tracking itself but the understanding of what those numbers mean and how we can factor that into our understanding of how the product is doing
I would say, building a team and getting users, which both need you, as a maker, to change your way of thinking from "things and functions" to "people and connection".
it's the worst. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Lebesgue: AI CMO
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