Agree with Alex and Piotr. What you can do is send your reminders based on where your folks live - so Europe, e.g., and Pacific Time can vote right at launch (if PT are nite owls). And then your ET folks can check our your page when they wake up.
I read online someone else suggesting waiting until 12:10 to launch to double check that your competitors or massive companies don't launch on the same day. Anyone have any thoughts on this or is that a risky strategy?
If you launch at 12:01am PDT, you have 24 hours, otherwise you would have less time to compete with others! Yet I've seen some products with a lot of subscribers (more than 1000 subscribers) launch a few hours later and become the #1 product of the day that day with more that 700 upvotes, but I am sure they would have reached at least 5# product of the week, if they would have launch at 12:01am PDT and planned the launch better.