What is the best stage to launch on Product Hunt?


We're launching our B2B SaaS platform soon and were wondering when the best time to get it up on product hunt is. Should we do it right after we get the platform live or after some testing, a few users, etc? Also if anyone has any tips about how to just launch better, I would really appreciate it.

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Abdeljabbar Sfaoui
The best stage to launch on Product Hunt depends on your goals and the maturity of your product. Launching when your product is fully developed and has a solid user base can increase your visibility and help you get feedback from early adopters. However, launching a minimum viable product or an early prototype can also be beneficial as it can help you validate your idea and gather early feedback to shape the future development of your product. Ultimately, the timing of your launch should align with your goals and the needs of your product.
@sfaoui_abdeljabbar Thanks a lot for your reply. I have another question. We're making our platform publicly available one set of applications at time. Would it make sense for us to launch separate product hunt products for each set?
Ahmad Ali
Hi Shambhabi, Good luck for the upcoming launch. Here are a few tips from my side: Start building an audience in advance: Start interacting and engaging within the community at least a few weeks in advance. Be active in the comments section and respond to feedback, questions, and suggestions. Make a great product page: Make sure your product page is visually appealing, has clear and concise messaging, and includes a demo or video showcasing your product. Reach out to your network: Reach out to your network and ask for support in the form of upvotes and comments. This can help get your launch noticed by others. Offer incentives: Consider offering a special discount or bonus to people who sign up during your launch to incentivize them to support your launch. Follow up: After your launch, follow up with everyone who has shown an interest in your product and continue to engage with the Product Hunt community.
@motiondock Thanks a lot for this. Do you think it's a good idea to launch the product in parts? We have a full set of applications that are broken down into stages. We are planning to launch them one after the other in any case. But does it make sense to launch them as separate products on product hunt?
Harley coates
try to focus on building your profile first don't create much discussion create only effective ones like this one. Then I think after a week you are ready to go.
Bakemono Fra
Having a community, even a small one, before launching is very helpful!
Richard Gao
I would launch when you have the MVP but have removed the worst of your bugs. That's what we did with evoke-app.com, it resulted in a lot of complaints, but that was a good thing, since we got plenty of good feedback to adjust our product.
Karthik Tatikonda
It depends on your goals. If you want to validate the idea, launch after the platform went live or If you want to get some users/revenue launch on Product Hunt after launching on some other communities. Regarding tips for the launch, I interview creators on Product Hunt whose products ranked on Top3 of Product Hunt and share their launch tips and strategies. Dropping the interview articles link below, check them out, I feel they might be helpful for you in planning the launch https://tbbl.launchpedia.co/prod...