Logan Smiley

What is the best productivity tip you learned ???

Trying to find the best ways to maximize my time to launch our app and work 2 jobs.

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We went through this same question some months ago when we started building mentor! Check it out goalmentor.app
Marvin Mändle
Split your days in 90 minutes of work followed by a 15 minutes break. I try to don't use my phone during these breaks and get some fresh air.
Ruben Boonzaaijer
Tracking and remove all distractions while working
Maurizio Isendoorn
Don't have a morning routine so long you can only start working at 11am
Maurizio Isendoorn
@logan_smiley Work should be the priority. If you obsess over productivity when you could be working, you need to be wayyy more productive the time that you do the actual work to counterbalance that.
Igor Lysenko
Just use an application where you can multitask and your productivity will increase, I will launch such a product soon.
Salar Davari
For years, it's been the same thing (for me) go to bed early & stay fit.