Sully Butt

What is the best advice you've received in your career?


Whether it's advice on starting a business, dealing with setbacks, or managing a team, share the advice that has helped you on your journey.

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Zendog Labs
Don't do a PhD
Murali Gottumukkala
Always believe in yourself
David Cagigas
Don't give up!
Anna Chen
My leader told me that anything can be broken down into important and unimportant parts, so that you can do things better and smarter.
Success is always closers than that you think
80,000 hours - the average time a human spends at work. It motivates me to spend it with things I like. And also "everybody is on a journey" - this helps for human interaction :)
Shi Ling
The best advice I got was about how to stay focused as a startup founder. When I was an employee, I thought I was busy but I was 100% on top of my work. I had a system of reviewing my daily board, prioritizing tasks, scheduling blocks of my day, and getting focused work done. However, when I started my own company (which I'm still running @ui_licious), my system fell apart because there's way more things to do than I can handle, and I was interrupted several times every hour to attend to inquiries from my team and from customers. My board and my schedule is a mess, I could not get deep work done, and I felt really terrible. I dreaded organizing my board and schedule. The best advice I got was an article about how Warren Buffet plans his day. Everyday, he makes a list of the top 5 tasks he needed to do that day, forget everything else. I tried this new system and it really helps me cut out the noise, stay focused, and I feel better at the end of the day. I also added fixed time blocks of the days for answering questions from my team or customers to minimize interruptions. Here's the article: The second best advice is from the book "Atomic Habits". I recommend reading it or watching talks about it online. Habits let me to do tasks on autopilot. Being on autopilot means I can multitask better, as I can use my brain to think and plan other things while performing the task. Building good habits is hard, but "Atomic Habits" teaches you how to build habits by starting small. For example, if you want to get fitter by exercising everyday, start from 1%, e.g. jogging on the spot for 1 min instead of running 1 mile around the block. Here's great summary of "Atomic Habits":
Gaurav Parvadiya
Be best in your work and success will follow.
Dawns Li
Yes, there are so many suggestions throughout my life and I think the best one is: Always keep a positive attitude to solve problems!
Lalesultan Güneş
Kids who are treated as big men will mature early.