Magdalena Tran

What is a good incentive on launch day?


Hi, we are planning our launch in a couple of weeks and I'm nervous and super excited. I wonder what a good incentive would be for launch day or week? If you have launched, what worked for you? And if you are a user, provided that the tool speaks to you, what would make you want to sign up? Any other tips or just encouragement are welcome. :)

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Agota Birtalan
Hi Magdalena I think as a user, if I liked a product, I would like to get either a yearly plan discounted, or a special rate for an upgrade for a higher premium package. Good luck with your launch!
Magdalena Tran
@agota_birtalan Hi! Thanks for your feedback, really appreaciate it. Do you have a more specific percentage that would be a good deal for you? Or would you prefer a batch of extra credits when you sign up?
Agota Birtalan
@magdalena_tran1 I think 50% on a yearly membership would be great. Personally I don't like extra credits that much, but it also depends on your product. On the other hand, as a marketer, I would prefer to sign people up for a yearly membership as soon as they get excited about the product - to make sure that they dont lose this energy.
Murali Gottumukkala
The incentive is outreach and exposure and the first baby steps of success
Tirupati Reddy Dontireddy
Congratulations! Get some users with free trails and give some deep discounts to the few members.
Karthik Tatikonda
We've given a discount for our product (Drotion) when we've launched. We made good sales. However when discussing with Pascio (Notion creator who launched multiple products on Product Hunt) on The Big Bang Launch Newsletter interview regarding this: He said that discount wont affect the sales that much, as users on Product Hunt will buy the product with ou without any discount. You can check the full interview here https://thebigbanglaunch.substac...
Magdalena Tran
@karthik_tatikonda Thank you! This was very helpful. Mind sharing the discount you gave for Drotion?
Software Guy (Aarvy)
Hi, I can relate to your nervousness I felt the same when I launched my first product. I can help you market your product by writing your product's detailed review on my blog. Please contact me at thesoftwareguy1994 at with your name and product details. I would love to hear from you.šŸ˜Š
Nadezhda Babushkina
From a user perspective Iā€™d say that clear description of a product and a little bit more info on core features. Like, good balance in both ad and product description. I liked many products launched here but noticed that only a few bother to present info on which a user may act. Freemium or time-based testing is good. Good luck with the launch!
Magdalena Tran
@nadenade Thank you so much for this! Totally makes sense. And I recognize the pattern to want to sell the idea so much that you forget about the more practical and functional part. Thank you!! Launching on Monday, we are so exctied!