What I learned in 3 months on Indie Hackers?
Hi PH friends, I hope you are doing well.
You won't believe, but I didn't know "indie hackers" word before. As far as I remember, I saw this word first time on Twitter. It was tweet by Arvid Kahl.(many people know Arvid.... because of build in public & supportive nature)
So, I learned and read amazing things here on IH. Joining IH was really hard for me. Because, at that time IH was only invite-only platform. I approached lot of people to get code. But, only one people had invite code. His name is Fed (Founder of Gummy Search & Hive Index). He sent me code on Twitter. Thanks a lot, Fed. :)
I mostly engage with content. Recently, I also started posting on IH. Great to see, my posts featured on Home page.
Today, I knew that you don't need code for joining IH. I don't have any hard opinion on it. Hope so people don't spam.
That's all from my side.
Ps. I created Twitter List for indie hackers. This list have around >200 members. If you are into building(built) things in public, let me know. I will add you into List. :)