🙀 What has changed on Product Hunt during these 6 months?
Just my small observation while being on this platform.
I realized that many things were added and the platform has changed a little bit.
I noticed:
👉 The latest one: Under your profile name is the icon of the products you have launched so far.
👉 Added interactive demos for launches.
👉 Flipping through launches quickly.
👉 Topped discussions (usually on the top are discussions of the PH team).
👉 Shoutouts: When you launch you can shout out products that helped you with building.
👉 There was also a (countdown) timer for the upcoming launch.
👉 Launch assistant – when you prepare the campaign and insert the URL, the form will be prefilled.
👉 Pre-clicking to another launches page – by clicking to the left/right.
👉 More options for subscribing to the PH newsletter.
👉 Inviting makers via email.
👉 The new badge – Top Product (according to shoutouts).
👉 Drafting launches.
👉 Scheduling the launch on the exact day (but not the time selection).
👉 A little bit changed the UI of the website (e.g. smaller icons for notification) – I noticed it significantly as I have poor eyesight. 😃
What changes have you observed?