Since I'm always bouncing between at least 2 or 3 different workspaces it now requires me an extra click to do so. A bit annoying but will get used to it probably :)
To be honest I dont like it that much.
With so many apps to use during your day, you dont need changes that force to re familiarize your self with an app that you have been using for years.
On a positive note, the interface colors are much clean and easier to the eye.
I actually find it less user-friendly than it was before - Slack is a tool that's supposed to be really easy to use, but for some reason, I find myself a little confused on a daily basis.
One feature they removed is the ability to customize the workspace exactly the way you wanted to, which made me a bit disappointed.
Within one workspace, it's great! But jumping between workspaces is pretty hard. But like a lot of people are saying here, will definitely get used to it. I do quite like the addition of the side navigation.