I think your service will save me a lot of time at work.
However, I don't use Outlook for work, so it would be nice to have support for many mail apps.
@jamie_kim thank you. We wanted to focus on outlook because there were no such apps and my sales collegues needed one for their daily tasks. After a while we’ve decided to launch it for everyone. So, it started as an internal product :)
Looks pretty good. Not an outlook user for cold email so i am probably not in the target.
I was impressed with having such a strong domain but then i saw just the extension is called charge.com but the website is something different. Might be confusing for some.
@stoica_stefan thank you for the feedback, really appreciate it. there was supposed to be that domain, but later it played out differently. I plan to change it in the next iteration of fixes. website is chargemyemail.com
Nice video!
This would be good as an Outlook add-in. You may want to think about how you’re gonna differentiate from others like Google’s Yet Another Mail Merge.
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