Good question.
When I was launching Boltic, I had studied data of 6 months and had made a data driven decision of launching it on a particular day.
I have a blog written in the drafts on the same, let me finish it and upload it over the weekend. :)
Hello Sandra, I have a little experience with launching products but i've experimented with it and I found that a monday is the best time to do it. Why you may ask? Because a lot of people are doing online work and managing online business and with the increase of new technology more people will turn to it. For me monday is the start of my week so i'm online looking for products I may need such as a new phone or a diet plan. I will usually browse for an hour so that means everyone else will be too. I know I may be late to comment on your question but I hope it reaches you and i hope i've helped you. Have a great day.
It depends on your goals
Generally, there are 2 types of days
1. High traffic - High competition days (Weekdays)
2. Low traffic - Low competition days (Weekends)
If your goal is to drive more traffic to your website or let more users to test your product launching on weekdays is better.
Whereas if your goal is to get the badge and boost social proof, launching on weekends is better.
@karthik_tatikonda Thank you very much for taking the time and answering it in detail. That is also exactly what I found out with my research so really good to get confirmation ☺️
I read that traffic is generally higher on Tuesday/Thursday. If you want to reach more people these days can be chosen. But if you want to play for #1, maybe Monday/Friday would be better.
According to what I have seen I guess Thursdays are good days to launch on product hunt. As on Thursday it is Average to High traffic & competition days
Product Cell
Product Cell