Here's a far projection (I guess), with quite a bit of imagination:
Humans IQ barely max out around 200. Let's imagine when AI becomes smarter than humans in every field. That will mean AI will have a higher IQ, and will be able to reinvent smarter and smarter over time. Who knows how far the IQ level of AI will go? 3K? 3M? 3B? even more?
Such AIs could figure out everything in the universe and all laws of physics, be better at philosophical thinking, and also identify their own limitations.
No one can predict what the world would look like, but AI would definitely be a new form of life, which may not need humanity anymore to keep existing.
One day, AI will be better than humans in every field, even in philosophy. It is only a matter of time, and although no one can predict when this will happen, it will change everything. Today, the maximum IQ of humans is about 200. Now imagine an AI that will be smarter than that. It will be able to reinvent itself to be smarter and smarter over time, reaching unthinkable IQ levels (3000, 3Mn, 3Bn...) It will be able to "figure out" almost everything in the universe, including all the laws of physics, mathematics... as well as its own limitations...
That day, we will live in a completely different world.