
What are your business goals for 2023?


Hey hunters! I hope you all having a great start of the year after christmas holidays. Let's motivate each other and share our business goals for 2023. I'll start. The main goal of my team is to launch new version of ReSkript and to lunch paid subscriptions. What about you?

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My three goals with plankler.com are: - solve real problems - keep adapting to user feedback - have fun along the way
Joan Mateo Duarte 🚀
Let's get ambitious: 1- Get product-market fit. 2- Get DL3ARN funded.
Zendog Labs
Wrap my head around Product Hunt!
Aleksandr V
Hi Daria, Good luck with the new version of ReSkript! My goal is to $1k MRR for InsiderBuyStock. Thanks
Anoir Houmou
My main goal is to launch RECRD on PH. Feel free to check out our upcoming page here: http://bit.ly/3hqnUqd. I would love to hear your feedback and have your support!
Hi Daria! Thanks for this post! Nice motivation and support! Wishing you all the best with your next launch! 🍀 Early 2023 we are planning the launch as well 🤞 this is going to be V1 of the design framework called TheSPRKL.
Jason Falls
Launch my product.
Helen Fedulova
We're planning to launch support for more file formats for developers in our human translation platform. Nitro already supports the translation of Google Docs, Google Sheets, .strings files for iOS and JSON format is coming soon.. I'm so excited! :o