Avery Carter

What are you working on today?


I'll go first: Today I'm working on growth and engagement strategies for a consumer app we're building. I'm new-ish to growth-related tasks so I've found it to be a bit daunting atm. Most of my tasks are around email campaigns and using mixpanel data to observe patterns and strategize for reengagement. Any growth tips or resources appreciated btw :) We're building Dabble, where you can design a room with furniture from any website you visit. Check it out here and feel free to leave feedback! https://dabble.so/

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I am working on my site https://puritypluspoint.com Today is yoga day so my first priority is yoga. because in this Covid situation I really aware about health that how health is wealth.
Jubair Hasan Munna
Working on improving my skills.
দোলনচাঁপা পাঠশালা
Working on improving my skills.
Ruben Wolff
Dabble looks quite nice! Isn't there a way to see a bit of content without signing up? On my side today, I'll finish writing a mini-review of Daniel H Pink's book "Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us" that I am planning on posting on Indie Hackers in the afternoon (my profile is @BibHack if you're interested) :)
Md. Ekram Hossan
I am working for my assignment.
Gianfranco Belmonte
I am working on improving my online earnings
I'm working on Taskord https://taskord.com, and fixing lotta bugs and new features.
Mohammed Nadeem Ullah
I'm designing a website
Working on an article for https://www.techslang.com/ :)
Ahmadullah Junaeid
I am communicating friends and family. Besides studying and working on some sites.
robiul haque
i am working for my new project related studies.
Md Raisul Islam
I am doing my work in freelancing site
Mohammed Nadeem Ullah
I am working on product search filter plugin