Avery Carter

What are you working on today?


I'll go first: Today I'm working on growth and engagement strategies for a consumer app we're building. I'm new-ish to growth-related tasks so I've found it to be a bit daunting atm. Most of my tasks are around email campaigns and using mixpanel data to observe patterns and strategize for reengagement. Any growth tips or resources appreciated btw :) We're building Dabble, where you can design a room with furniture from any website you visit. Check it out here and feel free to leave feedback! https://dabble.so/

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Working on an article for https://www.techslang.com/ :)
Jubair Hasan Munna
Working on improving my skills.
দোলনচাঁপা পাঠশালা
Working on improving my skills.
Ruben Wolff
Dabble looks quite nice! Isn't there a way to see a bit of content without signing up? On my side today, I'll finish writing a mini-review of Daniel H Pink's book "Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us" that I am planning on posting on Indie Hackers in the afternoon (my profile is @BibHack if you're interested) :)
Md. Ekram Hossan
I am working for my assignment.
Gianfranco Belmonte
I am working on improving my online earnings
I'm working on Taskord https://taskord.com, and fixing lotta bugs and new features.
Mohammed Nadeem Ullah
I'm designing a website
Ahmadullah Junaeid
I am communicating friends and family. Besides studying and working on some sites.
robiul haque
i am working for my new project related studies.
I am working on my site https://puritypluspoint.com Today is yoga day so my first priority is yoga. because in this Covid situation I really aware about health that how health is wealth.
Md Raisul Islam
I am doing my work in freelancing site
Mohammed Nadeem Ullah
I am working on product search filter plugin