Emilia Vicini

What are you really good at?


I've been in several networking meetings, and one question that often comes up is: "How can we collaborate together?" However, in order to do so, we need to think in advance about what we are actually good at. What sets us apart? In my case, I'm a very strategic person. I enjoy understanding problems and solving them, simple as that! What about you???

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Geri Máté
Empathy probably. It's a very underrated ability. It helped me through out my years as a journalist, as a podcaster, a copywriter, a marketer, a project manager. The best thing that empathy boosts is your ability to ask questions, I think. Asking questions is how you can collaborate, imo. Other stuff: I think I'm pretty solid at nurturing relationships. Reaching out, connecting to people is one thing but checking on them is what prolongs these connections, I think. It can be a difference maker personally and professionally, too. Feels like someone cares about you, even when you don't talk to them for a while. Why I mention this besides empathy is that some people just don't make that extra effort.
Emilia Vicini
@geri_mate, loving this response! Empathy will lead to asking questions and being open to every answer as well. It's about understanding where the other person is coming from and how to find common ground, right? I can tell you are great at nurturing relationships virtually. I'm sure you are a great leader!
Geri Máté
@emilia_vicini Exactly! And empathy also encourages others to ask questions and to not hesitate about looking stupid. Very important in a team setting. I often ask stupid questions and I do feel stupid but because I'm being open about it nobody else makes me feel stupid, rather curious. So when I'm reaching common ground with someone about a task or something I'm not familiar with, I conclude our conversation with a question in my own words if my interpretation is right. Makes communication a lot more efficient and collaboration a lot less prone to errors
Albert Hunt
Emilia Vicini
@albert_hunt how did you become really good at it? Tell us your story!
Eugene Yarovoii
Design experiments! The true future of design :)
Emilia Vicini
@eugeneyarovoii I want to know a bit more about this. What kind of design experiments are you referring to?
Relja Denic
Cold outreach! We just launched our product for it
Ronald Rubin
Email Marketing
Emilia Vicini
@ronald_rubin what tips could you share for someone who is not familiar with email marketing and wants to get good at it?
Stephen Maden
I am good at building relationships and rapport.
Emilia Vicini
@stephen_maden what would you say is the secret behind it? What helped you become really good at it?
Igor Lysenko
When I started creating the product. I started doing many activities but ultimately I am good at programming.
Emilia Vicini
@ixord you bring up a big topic! As founders, we tend to do so many things, but eventually, we need to understand what we are really good at and find people who can cover the rest! What language do you enjoy using the most?
rebecca kim
I'm a great cook and I love experimenting with new recipes.
Emilia Vicini
@rebecca_kim1 do you have any food preferences you like to prepare?
Ruby Day
Web Design
Emilia Vicini
@ruby_day what advice would you give to the past Ruby who is doing her first web designs? 🙈
Making chrome extensions
Emilia Vicini
@connor8 I need more info about it, how did you choose this path?