Nimesha Buvanendran

What are some useful SEO techniques and tips that can help improve your website or blog?


Hi fellow hunters, as a person who is starting to learn about SEO I would love to know about useful guides and tips that would be helpful.

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Talia Bender
Hi Nimesha, I am also not an SEO expert, but I highly agree with everyone mentioning page speed. It is imperative to optimize this as even a one-second delay in loading can cause more than 15% of users to abandon the page. Aside from this, I find it very helpful to make sure every single image, video, piece of media, etc. on your site has strong metadata, including relevant keywords. Also, be sure that most of the images on your site do not include text on the photo. For the general strategy, it is necessary that your relevant social media accounts not only link back to your site, but also utilize keywords that your site is trying to rank for.
Nimesha Buvanendran
@taliambender thanks a lot for these useful strategies. I wasn't aware of how the keyword usage in social media accounts can impact the seo of the site, but this was a great tip.
Ferenc Forgacs
Hi Nimesha, I'm not an SEO expert but these are the things that worked for me: - speed: a fast website goes a long way - great titles and headings: use titles and headers in your content that people would search for (try to imagine how would someone search for the tool / product you are offering) - specific keywords: don't try to compete with the most obvious keywords first, try to find some more specific ones and optimize for those - "x alternative" articles: (there's probably a name for these type on content) if you product is an alternative for another product write an article where you compare the tools, people tend to search for alternatives regularly - wrote for people not for the robots: if people like your content, search engines will like them as well, don't try to trick the algorithm, that'll hurt you in the long term - use schema tags: I think many websites still don't use schema tags on their websites so if you do, that can be a great advantage - sitemap: make sure you have a site map (and it works properly 😅) Also, not sure what's up with AMP and AMP stories specifically, but I know that when they were relatively new, you could use them to drive great traffic to your site.
Nimesha Buvanendran
@feriforgacs Thank you so much for listing out key strategies for SEO. This would definitely help me in the log run.
Neri Raanani
Adding to the other comment: make sure you don't have broken links in your website
Siena Romes
Make sure that your website loads fast. We've found that this is something that was affecting our website. One of the changes we made was to change our chat software to an embedded chat room like RumbleTalk ( Then, we saw the results almost immediately. The chat software was taking up time too load and too much of our servers.
Gladys N. Butler
There are multiple SEO techniques that may start from 1. On page SEO, use unique content 2. Use images, Videos and some dynamic content to increase CTR 3. Try to get some social signals from popular platforms 4. Do some branding of your website
boss pak
hey am not a SEO Expert but as i have been working in this field from last 5 years so i have some experience i have ranked many websites in this tenor am also currently working on a website in early days as i start this its traffic getting down day by day then i come to know some key points Always post rich and to the point content no keyword stuffing always use light theme website's speed matters alote it should be responsive as in pc or mobile, remove broken links be aware about google update.
If you want to learn SEO, then my tips would be: 1. Learn how to write for the web. Forget keywords for a while. If you cannot get a person to read your articles from tip to toe, then you still need to learn how to write for the web. The web is mainly a written means of communication. 2. Learn how to code HTML and CSS. Else, how are you going to tell programmers how you need them to build the sites you are working on? 3. Learn how to optimize every part of a web page: text, code, images, audio, video, documents, everything. This is where keywords come in, but you do need how to write for the web first, or it just won't work. 4. Learn how to interact with other website owners, else you will get as far as your advertising budget allows. How do I know? I have 15 years of experience in the online marketing field and I have seen pretty much everything already. Good luck.
Nimesha Buvanendran
@simplytedel Thank you for sharing your expertise knowledge in a simple and comprehensive way. These tips will undoubtedly be useful to me.
Mark Leva
I have my own website and it is being improved by the SEO of the company I work with: I think that such a thing is better left to professionals, so if you need help with SEO, you can contact them