I don’t even know when the time passed. Week 6 went like 🫰
Here’s the highlights of this week:
- I started working on improving user experience on Sentrya, to be able to easily see the whitelist you created
- I finished editing the demo and added it to the website
- Gathered some of the popular questions I got from users and made an FAQ list
- 1 more person joined my waiting list
- 5 people registered on Sentrya, out of the initial 13 from the waiting list - 38% conversion rate
- And out of those 5 that registered, one has used the whitelist feature - 20% engagement rate. I really look forward to seeing the initial feedback.
This week went pretty good, but I can’t help but feel that it was a bit slow.
I’ve been posting on all my socials, I’ve been interacting with people complaining about spam in their Gmail, and I really tried to be as helpful as possible without sounding like I’m trying to shove Sentrya down people’s throats.
Not gonna lie…
That last part is a bit of a challenge.
Sometimes I get a bit too exited when I talk to people, and it makes me sound salesy. Or at least that’s how it sounds in my head.
My mood varied a lot this week.
I kept fluctuating between being calm and with a focus on the long term, and panic that there’s no bigger short term results.
About a month ago I told my wife that my goal is to have 100 active users on Sentrya by the end of the year, and she told me to be more realistic.
On one hand, I feel that she’s right.
But on the other, deep down I believe I can do this.
The problem is that I don’t really know how.
So…what do you think?
Is my wife right?
Do I need to get back to reality?