Vedran Rasic

we spent 10k on Product Hunt Ads – here's what we learnedπŸ‘‡

OK, so we finally gave Product Hunt Ads a try. Here's what we learned πŸ‘‡ 1 β€” We love launching versions of our product on Product Hunt, but sometimes, it's costly. To campaign adequately, you need hours and hours to prep & execute. If you can afford to spend 5k on a campaign, you can get anywhere between 10-30% of an actual Product Launch campaign result. Do your math. Should you spend time or money? 2 β€” Our experience is that PH Ads are about 2x more expensive than Google Ads. This really depends on #3... 3 β€” Product <> Channel fit! I'd always recommend understanding first how the community interacts with your product. We have two #1 ranked products on Product Hunt + we know many of our top customers came from Product Hunt. We have an excellent Product <> Channel fit. This lowers the conversion costs. 4 β€” Know your audience! More steps to convert are OK, even needed. Here on Product Hunt, most users are your innovators and maybe early adopters (customer adoption curve). They don't like spending money but love spending time on the next coolest app! So... they won't mind if you send them from PH Ad to β†’ website β†’ some store β†’ trial as long as the message is consistent across the funnel. β€”β€”β€” Was this useful? 😍 Follow me here on Product Hunt... I post weekly about my experiments with operating a startup | product | growth. ⚑️

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Sam Kamrani
Thanks for sharing your experience. It definitely was useful.
Sheldon SU
Valuable insights indeed! I always have the idea that for a community/social media to be profitable, the key is how efficient and accurate the platform can deliver ads! When the platform already reached a certain amount of active users, distributing ads profitably is much more important than acquiring new users! I mean, the powerful AI math engine behind Google, Facebook and tiktok is the often neglected key competitiveness! I've tried Pinterest, Snapchat, Twitter and Reddit ads before, yeah depending on what you're advertising for, but smaller platforms are really losing out in the game these days!
Vedran Rasic
@sofia_pitstop well said! Which channel worked the best for you guys?
Sheldon SU
@vedranrasic I used to be in the drop-shipping business selling furniture and home decor, not sure if this is relevant. We've tried ads on Snapchat, twitter and Pinterest. None of them is going well compared to Facebook or Google, but we've seen some prospects on organic traffic from these sites. So it's hard to say
Aditya Asabe
Very useful information!