We're live guys πŸš€ AMA CEO of Clustr.io


Gigantic thanks to all of you for the continuous feedback and supportπŸ™ https://www.producthunt.com/posts/clustr

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Alina S.
How you came up with the idea of your app?
@alina_s_1 Great question - when I worked for a crypto hedge fund, all my friends always asked me to advice, so we decided to build something to help them out!
Artur Romanov
What makes Clustr different in comparison to existing applications which allow users to create demo portfolios?
@arthur_romanov another great question - we use live data and actually grade every single crypto startup with a heavy due diligence process
Cool! Supporting)
Oleg from FirstHR
Congrats! πŸŽ‰
Iren from FirstHR
Good luck, and congrats! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
Alex Petruchio
Congrats! πŸš€
Great project, I was happy to see such a wide range of coins and insights for each:) Question- what did you find most challenging within Clustr production and also which new features are you planning to add?
Tim Boulay
Shout out for you
emmanuel Onuoha
What's your tip to building community on product hunt for product launch?
@emmanuelonuoha wow there are loads of tips, we can sit here for hours discussing them. Target your audience is my best tip!
emmanuel Onuoha
@timcha it would be a great one to host a conversation around it. Sure a lot of folks from the PH community will participate
Dmitriy Pegov
Best of luck! πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€
Divine Rivers
Awesome, good luck today
Marco Garcia
Congrats on the launch. Which is your top metric?
@donmarco thank you Marco. It has to be the proxy we created called β€˜protocol market fit’ a play on PMF haha
Allison Ly
Kunal Mehta
Congratulations!!! πŸš€
Anna Pastukhova
Congratulation Tim πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰