Wojtek Krzciński

We got over 30 signups for a waiting list 🥳

This is the first time ever that we decided to create a waiting list. I didn't really believe that people would like to wait for our product but it turns out I was wrong. And I'm glad I was. 5 days ago we had 20 signups, now we're at over 30. These are not huge numbers but they make us optimistic about the product. After all, 30 people seem to believe in it! We'll go live with beta tomorrow or on Wednesday. If you'd like to join these 30 people on the waiting list just go to https://www.producthunt.com/upco... or https://raport.pro And if you have an upcoming product yourself, share it in the comments 👇🏻

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Mark Amouzgar
Keep going! Wish you success
Congrats @wojtek_krzcinski ! Now you have 31! It looks like an excellent tool to create dashboards for SaaS back office ☺️
Margarita Shvetsova
Cool, congratulations! 🥳 I've subscribed! I do have an Upcoming page, but it's not too useful now as we've launched today! 😃 So I'll share our launch page: https://www.producthunt.com/post... So your launch is on Tuesday or Wednesday? Tough competition! I wish you best of luck! ✌💫
Wojtek Krzciński
@margarita_s88 Thank you, just upvoted Nitro :) We'll launch on Product Hunt next week but we're releasing beta tomorrow or on Wednesday.
Margarita Shvetsova
@wojtek_krzcinski oh, I see I got you wrong. Good luck with the preparations! I'll be happy to check it out once you launch. And thanks very much for your support for Nitro! :D
Andrii Kpyto
Nice, keep going!
Congrats - inspiring me to get mine sorted!
Bertha Kgokong
Great, will check it out. Our upcoming page: https://www.producthunt.com/upco...