Karel Papik

We are about to launch our Product -> What do you think about this wording?

Hi Folks! I'm so proud I'm a part of this community. We are about to launch our product very soon, on Product Hunt. It's a Product adoption platform www.productfruits.com. I'm thinking about his Tagline and Description: TAGLINE: Add Guides, Tooltips, Feedback & more. Easily! No coding :) DESCRIPTION: All-in-one product adoption toolbox! Add Step-by-step Guides to explain your app to your new users, Tooltips to help them, Feedback with video, and much more to your web app. In an easy to use editor - no coding :) Increase your trial conversion, boost user engagement, cut customer care costs. I would love to hear your feedback! Karel

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Chandramouli Dorai
Congrats! Tagline: No code product adoption platform.
Karel Papik
@chandru19902008 Sound neat. But does the audience know what the Product Adoption Platform is?
Chandramouli Dorai
@karel_papik Hi Karen! Analysts (G2, Gartner, etc) name this market as β€˜Digital Adoption Platform’. If you take care of explaining about it in the description and other pages - this tag line will help you with your SEO efforts (organic traffic)πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ˜€
Dimitris Karavias
@karel_papik @chandru19902008 That might be what analysts use but what do the target customers use?
Chandramouli Dorai
@karel_papik @dkaravias We need to use Spyfu and Google Analytics - find the top-50 search terms for our website and competition.
Dimitris Karavias
@karel_papik @chandru19902008 If you do keyword analysis it has to be end to end- tracking all the way to the conversion. The question is not how many people use a term but what term do the buyers use. The KPI is sales not visits (I assume the goal of the product is to make money).
Miri Blayckher
First of all, best of luck! Sounds like a great product. I would remove either the exclamation point or the smiley face at the end of the tagline. Also, the word "Guides" - is it capitalized for a reason? in that sentence you have a few capitalized letters, not sure if they should be. Besides that, looks really great. Good luck!
Karel Papik
@miri_blayckher Thanks for the feedback! 1. " remove either the exclamation point or the smiley face" For our product, the big benefit is that you can add all those features without programming. And we want to emphasize that. Add Guides, Tooltips, Feedback & more. Easily! No coding :) -> sounds more fun, more engaging Add Guides, Tooltips, Feedback & more. Easily. No coding. -> sounds like a plain statement 2. Capitalisation I just thought it's more emphasized, so the reader will "get it" more. what do you think?
Dante Colombatti
@miri_blayckher @karel_papik agree with the above :) good luck
Miri Blayckher
@karel_papik @dante_colombatti I feel you. Definitely leave all these unchanged if you stand by it. I all for itπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ Good luck!
Ruben Wolff
I would add something to the taglne, explaining to what you can actually add guides, tooltips, feedback, etc. Other than that, looks pretty good to me, best of luck on your future launch!
Karel Papik
@rubenwolff good point. we thought about that. but 60 characters limit is hard to fit. So two options: Add Guides, Tooltips, Feedback & more to your web app. Add Guides, Tooltips, Feedback & more. Easily! No coding :) What do you think?
Ruben Wolff
@karel_papik if you really have to choose between these two options, I think I'd go for the second one. But the alternative would be to explain more in the comment section: you post a comment very early on your launch, everyone can see it and there's no character limit :)
Hi Karel, Looks like a really nice product πŸ‘ I am sorry to say, but I didn't know what an adoption platform was, but I think I do now πŸ™„ I like the tagline "Add Guides, Tooltips, Feedback & more to your web app." the most or maybe "Help your users. Add guides, tooltips, feedback to your web app". I think I would assume the no-coding part.
Karel Papik
@else_vindshoej Thanks! yes that exactly what I'm struggling with - people don't know what the adoption platform is. thanks for the insight.
Natalie Karakina
I believe that you can skip ":)". Good luck with the launch! We are preparing now too
Pramod Rao
Looks like a great product. All the best for the launch! Modifying tagline to communicate outcome or what your users might 'feel' might be helpful. Some options to explore for the tagline: 'Create product tooltips your users will love' 'How-to product guides your users will love'
Devanand Premkumar
@prao25 Conveying the user benefit is more useful than talking about features. Much appreciated for sharing.
Yash Daftary
Looks like a great product! I am thinking about using it for my startup. I think you guys could get across the message a little better. I love how on the website you guys say "Help users love your app". That's kind of what sold me given that it's a phrase that applies to most people on here.
Mayank Mishra
Launching soon!
Sounds awesome, would love to support when you launch πŸ™‚
Barney Cox
This looks great Karel! I'd be tempted to switch the description around so you start with the eye-catching benefit (especially as you've already introduced the product in the tagline). This might be personal preference, but 'product adoption toolbox' could be simplified - something like 'Everything you need to convert your free-trial customers'? Best of luck with the launch :)
Karel Papik
@brnycx "free trial conversion" is one of the taglines we are considering. but we are not about the free trial only so that would probably cut off our target group. so hard to decide :)
Barney Cox
@karel_papik Ah I get you! One of the dilemmas I face a lot when trying to write about what Dash (the product I market) is, too. Wishing you all the best with it!
Saurav Chaudhary
Best of Luck :)
robiul haque
explain what kind of product it is and list its unique features; explain why people would need it β€” what makes this product useful for your recipients; set the release date; specify the way people can buy it.
Dimitris Karavias
Is "product adoption" a standard term? If not I would suggest something people will immediately understand like "User onboarding". The simpler you keep it the faster it will be understood. Also this might just be me but "& more" bugs me. Go all-out on your USP. Don't hint at secondary features which dilute your message. In general I think the tagline could use a bit more work, what is the aspiration of your company? Not in terms of today's features but the reason it exists. Think a bit about your mission and try working with that (always in terms of the user's benefits of course). Overall I think your product is in a high demand area, so invest some effort to stand out and you should be good!
Best of luck.
Karel Papik
We are launching today! Thanks all for the help! Check here please: https://www.producthunt.com/post...