Top 10 outreach recommendations to help you reach the Top 3 on PH!
1) Build your network among hunters in advance.
2) Provide value ahead of time. And give much more of it.
3) Never add friends on the day of launch or ask for their support.
4) Reach out only to those who are already in your network and whom you have supported.
5) Immediately thank your friends who supported you on Twitter or LinkedIn. Even if it requires sending 3000 messages.
6) Let go of expectations. Be prepared that about 30% of those you supported will support you on the day of launch, and that's okay.
7) Work even harder.
8) Provide even more value, and expect nothing in return.
9) Don't take offense and don't take anything personally.
10) Be patient and good luck to you!
Let's connect:
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FuseBase /formerly Nimbus/
Unofficial Product Hunt Chrome Plugin
Knock Knock Jokes for Kids
Robomotion RPA